
Masters in Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (MMed ORL-HNS) is a five-year programme based on adult learning principles inclined towards realizing the needs of the learner in a learner-centred approach.

Philosophy: The philosophy of teaching shall be based on adult learning principles inclined towards realizing the needs of the learner in a learner-centred approach.The goal is to produce competent, autonomous, outstanding surgeons who serve the
communities they attend to with passion and purpose.

Rationale: The MMed Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery programme shall produce surgeons with the necessary skills to cope with the global challenges of modern-day surgical practice.

The goal of the course is to produce competent, autonomous, outstanding surgeons who serve the communities they attend to with passion and purpose. It is also structured to produce surgeons with the necessary skills to cope with the global challenges of modern-day surgical practice.



This programme shall be delivered through face-face mode, self-directed learning and e-learning, synchronous and asynchronous.

This programme will be delivered through
a. Face-Face Mode
b. Self-directed learning

Contacts of support persons:
Thematic Head ORL-HNS
DR.Ayugi John William Akado

email address:

Tel :0204915043



The Common Regulations for the Master of Medicine Degree
in the University shall apply. The candidates eligible for admission into the programme shall fulfil the following conditions:

  • Hold a minimum of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree of the University of Nairobi or any equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the University Senate.
  • The degree should be registrable by the Medical Practitioner’s and Dentists Board of Kenya for purposes of training and learners must produce evidence of registration and retention with the same board at commencement of training.
  • The learners shall be required to have a professional indemnity insurance cover.

    Credit transfer
• A candidate may, on the recommendation of the School Board and approval by Senate, be
allowed to transfer up to a maximum of one third of the taught (basic science courses)
course units offered in the programme.
• Applicants seeking course exemption shall send a formal application to the Director,
Board of Postgraduate Studies through the Dean School of Medicine. Justification of
request and evidence of credentials which would support such a request shall be attached
to the application.
• Application for course exemption shall be processed after payment of prescribed fee.
• Applicants shall only be exempted from course units equivalent to those offered in the
University of Nairobi.

Schedule of intakes: Admission is done once every year in August/September.

Application : Click here to apply


Career prospects/Opportunity

Graduands end up in successful employment in private sector, public sector or academia. The programme can also lead to sub-specialization training in any of the Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery sub-specialties. 


Attachment Opportunities: These include Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kijabe
Hospital and University of Kentucky (USA).

Notable alumni:
1. Prof. Isaac Macharia
2. Dr. Peter Mugwe
3. Dr. Chimmy Okoth Olende
4. Dr. Peter Masinde
5. Dr. Feroze Mujahid Din
6. Dr. Titus Matere Sisenda
7. Maj. (Retired) Dr. Irungu Ndirangu
8. Col. (Retired) Dr. Gacani Mberia
9. Dr. Ranjana Sonigra
10. Dr. Maurice Podho

Year 1  2023.2024 
TUITION                   345,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                        5,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   382,000.00
Year 2  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
Year 3  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
Year 4  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
Year 5  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
THESIS EXAMINATION                      30,000.00
Totals                   362,000.00
Grand totals    1,740,000.00