
27 June -  9am to 1pm Essay

                 2am to 5pm MCQ

28 June to 7 July - Clinical OSCE and VIVA

The interviews will be from 5th to 9th June, inclusive of MCQs and oral online interviews

kindly apply before 30th may 2023

The camp will consist of free orthopaedic consultation and free physiotherapy consultation and it will run from  29th to 31st may

Microvascular Surgery Workshop held in Kenyatta National Hospital theatre and cadaver dissection held in NSSC from date 24th to 27th April 2023

Year IV end year exams starts on 6th February upto February 24th 

MMED February exams start on 30th January  and ends on 10th February

no of graduates per programme

General surgery ---- 5

paediatric surgery --1

Plastic reconstructive  and Aesthetic surgery ---1

Orthopaedic surgery ---3

Thoracic and cardiovascular surgeru --1

fellowship in clinical nephrology --- 4…

12July  MCQ's

13 July SAQ's

20th to 28th July clinicals