


Urology is a well-established surgical science that deals with ailments in the genitourinary tract and the male reproductive organs. It caters for the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures using various urological technology in the common diseases affecting kidney function. These include operations for common cancers, trauma and obstructive uropathies that causes end stage kidney failure requiring renal replacement therapy. The curriculum sets out to train specialist urological health providers and researchers to tackle these diseases that impact on the health of patients.


Urology is a global surgical specialty focusing on the human urinary tract and the reproductive system of males. The urologist is a specialist, trained to diagnose, treat, and correctly manage patients with urological disorders. The curriculum frameworkis designed onimparting excellence and stewardship in learners as they carry out urological practice with passion and moral responsibility. It focuses onknowledge in patient management,practical experience in general urology, relevant subspecialtiesand research in urology.



The practice of urology world over has had dynamic changes in the 21st century in management of the various urological diseases encountered and patient expectations. This has involvedadvances in technologies. It has further evolved from a general to sub-speciality practice due to an ever growing demands in the era of modern medicine. Among these sub-specialities in urology are; Endourology, Renal transplantation, Andrology, Reconstructive urology, Uro-oncology, Paediatric urology and Uro-gynaecology. All these changes have been brought about by research.While the urological disease burden grows locally and globally, the patient demand and expectations have also shifted and this has brought with it a demand to train and produce urologists who are equipped to deal with this need.

There is currently an acute shortage of specialists providing management of urological disorders in Kenya, evidenced by the low numbers of qualified urologists registered under the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board. Data has shown that over the past 20 years, Kenya's population has doubled. The current population rate of change is 2.52% annually and the population is projected to grow from 53,491,697 in 2020 to 66,959,993 in 2030. Total life expectancy in Kenya has also risen from 61.68 years in 2010 to 66.7 years in 2019.With these statistics in mind, a proportionate growth in urological service delivery to these populations is paramount.

There have been progressive attempts to close this resource gap and increase the capacity of training through concerted efforts by various stakeholders in the field of urology. The Ministry of Health in conjunction with the University of Nairobi has spearheaded the development of the East African Kidney Institute (EAKI) as a centre of excellence targeting training, research and service delivery across the East African region. EAKI is specifically developed for nephrology, urology and their related disciplines. It is expected to develop skilled manpower for the region as well as provide specialized services.

It is with these considerations in mind that a curriculum review is warranted. This is ultimately geared to provide competence based training of urologists within the program who are adaptable to the changing technologies and are able to embrace holistic approaches to urological care and research.


The goal of the programmeis to provide learners with an in-depth knowledge of urology and impart practical skills required by the urology specialist to manage urological diseases and conduct research in urology.

The programme aims to produce a highly competent urology specialist who can effectively perform using the resources available to them.



By the end of the program the learner shall;

  • Have knowledge in the surgical anatomy, physiology and pathology of urologic systems.
  • Understands the principles and practice of urological surgery and have practical skills to perform clinical diagnosis and management of patients having pathologies in urology and the sub-specialities therein.
  • Be equipped with research skills and their application.


  • The mode of delivery will be through face to face sessions and instructional clinical teachings in theatre and outpatient clinics.
  • The degree program will consist of Open, Distance Learning, and e-Learning (ODeL) platforms. This will entail structured lectures, practical, clinical duties, tutorials, seminars, multidisciplinary clinical rotations, case presentations, tumour board participation and relevant research leading to dissertation.
  • A log book shall be kept and will contain a record of all instructional teachings, operations and intervention procedures in which the learner has taken part.
  • Case presentation, seminar attendance, journal club presentations and supervision in different urologic thematic areas shall be documented.
  • Self-directed learning will include library services, ODeL, continuous medical education (CME) seminars and urology conference attendance and participation.

Contacts of support persons:
Thematic Unit Head
Dr. Francis Owilla


email address:

Tel :0204915043

minimum Admission Requirements

The Common Regulations for the Master of Medicine Degree (Surgery) in The University of Nairobi shall apply.The applicant eligible for admission into the programme shall fulfil all of the following conditions;

  • Applicant must hold a minimum of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB.ChB.) degreefrom the University of Nairobi or an equivalent recognised by The University of Nairobi Senate.
  • Applicant must possess evidence of registration or eligibility tobelicensed by the Kenya Medical Practitioner’s and Dentists Board and be in the annual retention register.
  • Applicant must possess a certificate of good conduct from the Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board or any equivalent authority from the country of origin.
  • Applicant whose language of instruction for the basic medical degree was not English will be required to show proficiency in English Language (NB: Consideration will be given only to internationally recognised English proficiency test platforms).
  • Applicant must conduct themselves with integrity in a manner befitting the medical profession and in accordance with the following documents;

         a).Manual on code of conduct and medical ethics of the medical board

         b).Public Officers Ethic Act. Act Part 3. General code of conduct and ethics.

  • Applicant must possess a valid professional indemnity cover for the entire period of clinical training.
  • Applicant must sit and pass pre-entry examination administered by department of Surgery/Urology.



Schedule of intakes: Admission is done once every year in August/September.

Application : Click here to apply

Career prospects/Opportunity

Graduands end up in successful employment in private sector, public sector or academia. The programme can also lead to sub-specialization training in any of the Urological Surgery sub-specialties.  

Attachment Opportunities: These include Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kijabe Mission
Hospital, Kenyatta University Teaching Referral and Research Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, Coast General Referral Hospital.

Notable alumni:

  1. Prof PeterNgugi Mungai
  2. Dr. Francis Abiga Owillah
  3. Pro Peter Larry Waweru Ndaguatha
  4. Dr Samuel N K Waweru
  5. Dr. Samuel Kagiri Maingi
Year 1  2023.2024 
TUITION                   345,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE)                        5,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   382,000.00
Year 2  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
Year 3  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
Year 4  
TUITION                   300,000.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000.00
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000.00
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000.00
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                        5,000.00
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                        4,500.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                        1,000.00
Totals                   332,000.00
 YEAR 5  
TUITION                    300,000
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                        5,000
MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500
ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                        7,000
ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                        2,000
LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                      5,000
REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)                      4,500
ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                      1,000
STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)                     1,000
THESIS EXAMINATION                   30,000.00
Totals                362,000.00
Grand totals    1,740,000.00